Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 16th - Ommegang Hennepin

Friday night saw us come to the end of the Ommegang run but it was a damn good run. Hennepin is the only beer from the week that is a part of their regular lineup but that doesn't make it any less awesome

This is the bottle that came with the aforementioned gift pack and it's one of my go to saisons because it's pretty easy to find. Since I wanted to finish off the work week how I started it, I decided to make my ever popular pasta last night because I knew it would pair very well with the Hennepin. 

I was right. It did. Saisons/farmhouse ales have become my drink of choice when it comes to a dish with garlic because the spices in the beer compliment the spices that I usually cook those dishes with. You should totally try it sometime soon.

Don't cook or don't have saisons? Come on over some night. I'll hook you up.

So ended a great week of some really nice beers from a solid brewery. Luckily I still have some Chocolate Indulgence and plenty of Three Philosophers to satisfy my fix for them when it arises in the future.

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